
lightning-openchannel_init -- Command to initiate a channel to a peer


openchannel_init id amount initialpsbt [commitment_feerate] [funding_feerate] [announce] [close_to] [request_amt] [compact_lease] [channel_type]


openchannel_init is a low level RPC command which initiates a channel open with a specified peer. It uses the openchannel protocol which allows for interactive transaction construction.

  • id (pubkey): Node id of the remote peer.
  • amount (sat): Satoshi value that we will contribute to the channel. This value will be _added_ to the provided PSBT in the output which is encumbered by the 2-of-2 script for this channel.
  • initialpsbt (string): Funded, incomplete PSBT that specifies the UTXOs and change output for our channel contribution. It can be updated, see openchannel_update; initialpsbt must have at least one input. Must have the Non-Witness UTXO (PSBT_IN_NON_WITNESS_UTXO) set for every input. An error (code 309) will be returned if this requirement is not met.
  • commitment_feerate (feerate, optional): Feerate for commitment transactions for non-anchor channels: see fundchannel. For anchor channels, it is ignored.
  • funding_feerate (feerate, optional): Feerate for the funding transaction. The default is 'opening' feerate.
  • announce (boolean, optional): Whether or not to announce this channel.
  • close_to (string, optional): Bitcoin address to which the channel funds should be sent on close. Only valid if both peers have negotiated option_upfront_shutdown_script.
  • request_amt (sat, optional): An amount of liquidity you'd like to lease from the peer. If peer supports option_will_fund, indicates to them to include this much liquidity into the channel. Must also pass in compact_lease.
  • compact_lease (hex, optional): A compact representation of the peer's expected channel lease terms. If the peer's terms don't match this set, we will fail to open the channel.
  • channel_type (array of u32s, optional): Each bit set in this channel_type.:
    • (u32, optional): Bit number.


On success, an object is returned, containing:

  • channel_id (hash): The channel id of the channel.
  • psbt (string): The (incomplete) PSBT of the funding transaction.
  • channel_type (object): Channel_type as negotiated with peer. (added v24.02):
    • bits (array of u32s): Each bit set in this channel_type. (added v24.02):
      • (u32, optional): Bit number.
    • names (array of strings): Feature name for each bit set in this channel_type. Note that anchors_zero_fee_htlc_tx is a deprecated synonym for anchors. (added v24.02):
      • (string, optional) (one of "static_remotekey/even", "anchor_outputs/even", "anchors_zero_fee_htlc_tx/even", "anchors/even", "scid_alias/even", "zeroconf/even"): Name of feature bit.
  • commitments_secured (boolean) (always false): Whether the psbt is complete.
  • funding_serial (u64): The serial_id of the funding output in the psbt.
  • requires_confirmed_inputs (boolean, optional): Does peer require confirmed inputs in psbt?

If the peer does not support option_dual_fund, this command will return an error.

If you sent a request_amt and the peer supports option_will_fund and is interested in leasing you liquidity in this channel, returns their updated channel fee max (channel_fee_proportional_basis, channel_fee_base_msat), updated rate card for the lease fee (lease_fee_proportional_basis, lease_fee_base_sat) and their on-chain weight weight_charge, which will be added to the lease fee at a rate of funding_feerate * weight_charge / 1000.


On error the returned object will contain code and message properties, with code being one of the following:

  • -32602: If the given parameters are wrong.
  • -1: Catchall nonspecific error.
  • 300: The amount exceeded the maximum configured funding amount.
  • 301: The provided PSBT cannot afford the funding amount.
  • 304: Still syncing with bitcoin network
  • 305: Peer is not connected.
  • 306: Unknown peer id.
  • 309: PSBT missing required fields
  • 310: v2 channel open protocol not supported by peer
  • 312: Channel in an invalid state


Lisa Neigut <[email protected]> is mainly responsible.


lightning-openchannel_update(7), lightning-openchannel_signed(7), lightning-openchannel_abort(7), lightning-openchannel_bump(7), lightning-fundchannel_start(7), lightning-fundchannel_complete(7), lightning-fundchannel(7), lightning-fundpsbt(7), lightning-utxopsbt(7), lightning-multifundchannel(7)


Main web site:


Example 1:


lightning-cli openchannel_init -k "id"="035d2b1192dfba134e10e540875d366ebc8bc353d5aa766b80c090b39c3a5d885d" "amount"=999000 "initialpsbt"="cHNidP8BADMCAAAAAYbThUhSzYr7ph6Z434bdcW7eoirYOFMmUt2GXZ79sF/AQAAAAD9////AGYAAAAAAQDeAgAAAAABARVD4QKlmwy8SNcNypf1o9TzbIFZjj4dqVzHAL0SLDoTAAAAAAD9////AjOv9ikBAAAAFgAUXJGglH7At5HOVY4ZHp0+19kv655AQg8AAAAAABYAFAH62Qq81maX4lkhZHIt5KlevuFlAkcwRAIgVIxRXqIykOOxm/6YPaFFx2Qh1618qlXPUhDiliVQ2KUCIHQcHniUTcm1XT8SyRE8ev52jm0uiIYum15XcR/tPh+NASEC3Pby7xL4+Ig/Z8TchQ0QT1upLGet3da8qjSjgHO9LOJlAAAAAQEfQEIPAAAAAAAWABQB+tkKvNZml+JZIWRyLeSpXr7hZQA=" "channel_type"='[12, 22]'
  "id": "example:openchannel_init#1",
  "method": "openchannel_init",
  "params": {
    "id": "035d2b1192dfba134e10e540875d366ebc8bc353d5aa766b80c090b39c3a5d885d",
    "amount": 999000,
    "initialpsbt": "cHNidP8BADMCAAAAAYbThUhSzYr7ph6Z434bdcW7eoirYOFMmUt2GXZ79sF/AQAAAAD9////AGYAAAAAAQDeAgAAAAABARVD4QKlmwy8SNcNypf1o9TzbIFZjj4dqVzHAL0SLDoTAAAAAAD9////AjOv9ikBAAAAFgAUXJGglH7At5HOVY4ZHp0+19kv655AQg8AAAAAABYAFAH62Qq81maX4lkhZHIt5KlevuFlAkcwRAIgVIxRXqIykOOxm/6YPaFFx2Qh1618qlXPUhDiliVQ2KUCIHQcHniUTcm1XT8SyRE8ev52jm0uiIYum15XcR/tPh+NASEC3Pby7xL4+Ig/Z8TchQ0QT1upLGet3da8qjSjgHO9LOJlAAAAAQEfQEIPAAAAAAAWABQB+tkKvNZml+JZIWRyLeSpXr7hZQA=",
    "channel_type": [


  "channel_id": "53fa2b1ca0d8f21abeaaac0495ab9925cdfaf2ca8b04dbe4aeb061823e1ff2c8",
  "channel_type": {
    "bits": [
    "names": [
  "commitments_secured": false,
  "funding_serial": 8222241539686471000,
  "requires_confirmed_inputs": false

Example 2:


lightning-cli openchannel_init -k "id"="022d223620a359a47ff7f7ac447c85c46c923da53389221a0054c11c1e3ca31d59" "amount"=16777216 "initialpsbt"="cHNidP8BADMCAAAAAQVmgyf8sA3N9J6XaH5z7W+GUPDFOM/2L/PuD7iE0RaqAAAAAAD9////AGYAAAAAAQDeAgAAAAABAdWZZguGlQJ1eA+d7WAT500jdCzHJWT9J/TGQIkbS1KfAAAAAAD9////AoCWmAEAAAAAFgAUAfrZCrzWZpfiWSFkci3kqV6+4WXzWm0oAQAAABYAFE8Xxp4GJggW2lJcsHg0VLolc/Z/AkcwRAIgEQLtA2JvAk7S1R9QD5o4SVNXCjMwTUIyHtu65taC/d4CIEnpq2PdrqKqitdmZj09U8cFuwV+Ba9kmZSUsctSWx8CASECUKP6EBufpaBXT910uYhCcKdw9z8iqHgyKa3uuX2QgmVlAAAAAQEfgJaYAQAAAAAWABQB+tkKvNZml+JZIWRyLeSpXr7hZQA="
  "id": "example:openchannel_init#2",
  "method": "openchannel_init",
  "params": {
    "id": "022d223620a359a47ff7f7ac447c85c46c923da53389221a0054c11c1e3ca31d59",
    "amount": 16777216,


  "channel_id": "252d1b0a1e57895e84137f28cf19ab2c35847e284c112fefdecc7afeaa5c1de7",
  "channel_type": {
    "bits": [
    "names": [
  "commitments_secured": false,
  "funding_serial": 7321547790872006000,
  "requires_confirmed_inputs": false