
lightning-invoicerequest -- Command for offering payments


(WARNING: experimental-offers only)

invoicerequest amount description [issuer] [label] [absolute_expiry] [single_use]


The invoicerequest RPC command creates an invoice_request to
send payments: it automatically enables the processing of an incoming
invoice, and payment of it. The reader of the resulting
invoice_request can use lightning-sendinvoice(7) to collect their

The amount parameter can be a positive value in millisatoshi
precision; it can be a whole number, or a whole number ending in
msat or sat, or a number with three decimal places ending in
sat, or a number with 1 to 11 decimal places ending in btc.

The description is a short description of purpose of the payment,
e.g. ATM withdrawl. This value is encoded into the resulting
invoice_request and is viewable by anyone you expose it to. It must
be UTF-8, and cannot use \u JSON escape codes.

The issuer is another (optional) field exposed in the
invoice_request, and reflects who is issuing it (i.e. you) if

The label field is an internal-use name for the offer, which can
be any UTF-8 string.

The absolute_expiry is optionally the time the offer is valid
until, in seconds since the first day of 1970 UTC. If not set, the
invoice_request remains valid (though it can be deactivated by the
issuer of course). This is encoded in the invoice_request.

single_use (default true) indicates that the invoice_request is
only valid once; we may attempt multiple payments, but as soon as one
is successful no more invoices are accepted (i.e. only one person can
take the money).


On success, an object is returned, containing:

  • invreq_id (hash): the SHA256 hash of all invoice_request fields less than 160
  • active (boolean): whether the invoice_request is currently active (always true)
  • single_use (boolean): whether the invoice_request will become inactive after we pay an invoice for it
  • bolt12 (string): the bolt12 string starting with lnr
  • used (boolean): whether the invoice_request has already been used (always false)
  • label (string, optional): the label provided when creating the invoice_request

On failure, an error is returned and no invoice_request is
created. If the lightning process fails before responding, the caller
should use lightning-listinvoicerequests(7) to query whether it was
created or not.

The following error codes may occur:

  • -1: Catchall nonspecific error.


Rusty Russell <[email protected]> is mainly responsible.


lightning-listinvoicerequests(7), lightning-disableinvoicerequest(7).


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