
lightning-delpay -- Command for removing a completed or failed payment


delpay payment_hash status [partid groupid]


The delpay RPC command deletes a payment with the given payment_hash if its status is either complete or failed. If partid and groupid are not specified, all payment parts with matchin status are deleted.

  • payment_hash (hash): The unique identifier of a payment.
  • status (string) (one of "complete", "failed"): Expected status of the payment. Only deletes if the payment status matches. Deleting a pending payment will return an error.
  • partid (u64, optional): Specific partid to delete (must be paired with groupid).
  • groupid (u64, optional): Specific groupid to delete (must be paired with partid).


The returned format is the same as lightning-listsendpays(7). If the payment is a multi-part payment (MPP) the command return a list of payments will be returned -- one payment object for each partid.
On success, an object containing payments is returned. It is an array of objects, where each object contains:

  • created_index (u64): 1-based index indicating order this payment was created in. (added v23.11)
  • id (u64): Old synonym for created_index.
  • payment_hash (hash): The hash of the payment_preimage which will prove payment.
  • status (string) (one of "pending", "failed", "complete"): Status of the payment.
  • amount_sent_msat (msat): The amount we actually sent, including fees.
  • created_at (u64): The UNIX timestamp showing when this payment was initiated.
  • partid (u64, optional): Unique ID within this (multi-part) payment.
  • destination (pubkey, optional): The final destination of the payment if known.
  • amount_msat (msat, optional): The amount the destination received, if known.
  • updated_index (u64, optional): 1-based index indicating order this payment was changed (only present if it has changed since creation). (added v23.11)
  • completed_at (u64, optional): The UNIX timestamp showing when this payment was completed.
  • groupid (u64, optional): Grouping key to disambiguate multiple attempts to pay an invoice or the same payment_hash.
  • payment_preimage (secret, optional): Proof of payment.
  • label (string, optional): The label, if given to sendpay.
  • bolt11 (string, optional): The bolt11 string (if pay supplied one).
  • bolt12 (string, optional): The bolt12 string (if supplied for pay: experimental-offers only).
  • erroronion (hex, optional): The error onion returned on failure, if any.


On failure, an error is returned. If the lightning process fails before responding, the
caller should use lightning-listsentpays(7) or lightning-listpays(7) to query whether this payment was deleted or not.

The following error codes may occur:

  • -32602: Parameter missed or malformed;
  • 211: Payment status mismatch. Check the correct status via paystatus;
  • 208: Payment with payment_hash not found.


Vincenzo Palazzo <[email protected]> is mainly responsible.


lightning-listpays(7), lightning-listsendpays(7), lightning-paystatus(7)


Main web site:


Example 1:


lightning-cli delpay -k "payment_hash"="4fa2f1b001067ec06d7f95b8695b8acd9ef04c1b4d1110e3b94e1fa0687bb1e0" "status"="complete"
  "id": "example:delpay#1",
  "method": "delpay",
  "params": {
    "payment_hash": "4fa2f1b001067ec06d7f95b8695b8acd9ef04c1b4d1110e3b94e1fa0687bb1e0",
    "status": "complete"


  "payments": [
      "id": 1,
      "payment_hash": "8dfd6538eeb33811c9114a75f792a143728d7f05643f38c3d574d3097e8910c0",
      "destination": "0219f8900ee78a89f050c24d8b69492954f9fdbabed753710845eb75d3a75a5880",
      "msatoshi": 1000,
      "amount_msat": "1000msat",
      "msatoshi_sent": 1000,
      "amount_sent_msat": "1000msat",
      "created_at": 1596224858,
      "status": "complete",
      "payment_preimage": "35bd4e2b481a1a84a22215b5372672cf81460a671816960ddb206464359e1822",
      "bolt11": "lntb10n1p0jga20pp53h7k2w8wkvuprjg3ff6l0y4pgdeg6lc9vsln3s74wnfsjl5fzrqqdqdw3jhxazldahx2xqyjw5qcqp2sp5wut5jnhr6n7jd5747ky2g5flmw7hgx9yjnqzu60ps2jf6f7tc0us9qy9qsqu2a0k37nckl62005p69xavlkydkvhnypk4dphffy4x09zltwh9437ad7xkl83tefdarzhu5t30ju5s56wlrg97qkx404pq3srfc425cq3ke9af"

Example 2:


lightning-cli delpay "c9d4547473d0d646f1fdd8ca7f01803e4d31ceab01df33c79456f9c24b04034e" "failed"
  "id": "example:delpay#2",
  "method": "delpay",
  "params": [


  "payments": [
      "created_index": 2,
      "id": 2,
      "payment_hash": "c9d4547473d0d646f1fdd8ca7f01803e4d31ceab01df33c79456f9c24b04034e",
      "groupid": 1,
      "updated_index": 2,
      "destination": "035d2b1192dfba134e10e540875d366ebc8bc353d5aa766b80c090b39c3a5d885d",
      "amount_msat": 100000,
      "amount_sent_msat": 100002,
      "created_at": 1706316468,
      "completed_at": 1706316471,
      "status": "failed",
      "bolt11": "lnbcrt1u1pjmg54nsp5ke626txv6wwwmqmpuy63t3jnu9hqxwj880zsfkkj7jjqagdaz2sqpp5e829garn6rtydu0amr987qvq8exnrn4tq80n83u52muuyjcyqd8qdq8v3jhxccxqyjw5qcqp99qxpqysgqalktfwy9svsamvvvrzzzzpdaa4rh7n6s5p7t9lx7qv0raz4vnm9knkh5ury3u5cmnhx2gms98nxkclm3833uhjrlnzmftc685vz2f0gpfnjy4y"

Example 3:


lightning-cli delpay -k "payment_hash"="bbc35e0a46d1483292a4ff8d4daaceaab8c3c084dd835be4128785b52e469c64" "status"="complete" "groupid"=1 "partid"=1
  "id": "example:delpay#3",
  "method": "delpay",
  "params": {
    "payment_hash": "bbc35e0a46d1483292a4ff8d4daaceaab8c3c084dd835be4128785b52e469c64",
    "status": "complete",
    "groupid": 1,
    "partid": 1


  "payments": [
      "created_index": 3,
      "id": 3,
      "payment_hash": "bbc35e0a46d1483292a4ff8d4daaceaab8c3c084dd835be4128785b52e469c64",
      "groupid": 1,
      "updated_index": 3,
      "partid": 1,
      "destination": "035d2b1192dfba134e10e540875d366ebc8bc353d5aa766b80c090b39c3a5d885d",
      "amount_msat": 100000,
      "amount_sent_msat": 102100,
      "created_at": 1708641193,
      "completed_at": 1708641194,
      "status": "complete",
      "payment_preimage": "a6ebb1cfbf69e76200f196f1eafd28a3d850633499c223a7eb7a7dba3b995286"