Writing JSON Schemas

A JSON Schema is a JSON file which defines what a structure should look like; in our case we use it in our testsuite to check that they match command requests and responses, and also use it to generate our documentation.

Yes, schemas are horrible to write, but they're damn useful. We can only use a subset of the full JSON Schema Specification, but if you find that limiting it's probably a sign that you should simplify your JSON output.

Updating a Schema

If you add a field, you should add it to the field schema, and you must add "added": "VERSION" (where VERSION is the next release version!).

Similarly, if you deprecate a field, add "deprecated": "VERSION" (where VERSION is the next release version) to the field. They will be removed two versions later.

How to Write a Schema

Name the schema doc/schemas/lightning-command.json: the testsuite should pick it up and check all invocations of that command against it.
The core lightning RPC commands use custom schema specification defined in rpc-schema-draft.

I recommend copying an existing one to start. If something goes wrong, try tools/fromscheme.py doc/schemas/lightning-command.json to see how far it got before it died.

You should always list all fields which are always present in "required".

We extend the basic types; see fixtures.py.

In addition, before committing a new schema or a new version of it, make sure that it is well formatted. If you don't want to do it by hand, use make fmt-schema that uses jq under the hood.

Using Conditional Fields

Sometimes one field is only sometimes present; if you can, you should make the schema know when it should (and should not!) be there.

There are two kinds of conditional fields expressible: fields which are only present if another field is present, or fields only present if another field has certain values.

To add conditional fields:

  1. Do not mention them in the main "properties" section.
  2. Set "additionalProperties": true for the main "properties" section.
  3. Add an "allOf": [ array at the same height as "properties"'. Inside this place one if/then for each conditional field.
  4. If a field simply requires another field to be present, use the pattern "required": [ "field" ] inside the "if".
  5. If a field requires another field value, use the pattern
    "properties": { "field": { "enum": [ "val1", "val2" ] } } inside the "if".
  6. Inside the "then", use "additionalProperties": false and place empty {} for all the other possible properties.
  7. If you haven't covered all the possibilities with if statements, add an else with "additionalProperties": false which simply mentions every allowable property. This ensures that the fields can only be present when conditions are met.

Exceptions in dynamic schema generation

  • If response (RETURN VALUE) should not be generated dynamically, and you want it to be a custom text message instead. You can use return_value_notes to add custom text with empty properties. Examples: setpsbtversion, commando, recover.
  • If only one of multiple request parameters can be provided then utilize oneOfMany
    key with condition defining arrays. For example, plugin command defines it as
    "oneOfMany": [["plugin", "directory"]] and it prints the parameter output as
  • If request parameters are paired with other parameter and either all of them can be passed
    to the command or none of them; then utilize pairedWith key with condition defining arrays.
    For example, delpay command defines it as "pairedWith": [["partid", "groupid"]]
    and it prints the parameter output as [*partid* *groupid*].
    • If some of the optional request parameters are dependent upon other optional parameters,
      use dependentUpon key where object key can be mapped with the array of dependent params.
      For example, listforwards command has start and limit params dependent upon index and
      it can be defined as "dependentUpon": { "index": ["start", "limit"] } in the json and it will
      generate the Markdown syntax as [*index* [*start*] [*limit*]].

Generating Examples in Schema

The tests/autogenerate-rpc-examples.py test script regenerates RPC examples for methods defined
in doc/schemas/lightning-*.json, if the environment variable GENERATE_EXAMPLES is set to 1.
These examples are located at the end of each schema page, detailing shell and json request
formats along with their corresponding json responses. The script utilizes the pytest suite to
automate this task by running a test, test_generate_examples, that sets up test nodes, records
RPC requests, and captures responses. Any new RPC command's examples should also be included in
this scripts. This test only executes example generation if GENERATE_EXAMPLES=1 is set,
preventing accidental overwrites from unrelated tests.

Adding New Examples

  1. Define a New Function (if needed):

    • If adding multiple examples for the same feature (e.g., askrene), create a new function. Otherwise, use an existing relevant function.
  2. Add the update_example Method:

    • Define examples using update_example with parameters: node method params [res] [description].
      node: Specifies the node to execute the RPC.
      method: The RPC method name.
      params: RPC parameters in JSON or list format.
      response (optional): Specify for wait commands or pre-recorded responses.
      description (optional): Brief explanation of the example.
  3. Update the Ignore List:

    • Remove the RPC method name from IGNORE_RPCS_LIST to include it in the example generation.
  4. Run and Refine:

    • Run the test to detect variable values in responses either with:
    make repeat-doc-examples n=5

    where n can be any number of repetitions. OR by manually running the test multiple times with:

    rm -rf /tmp/ltests* && make -s && VALGRIND=0 TIMEOUT=40 TEST_DEBUG=1 GENERATE_EXAMPLES=1 pytest -vvv -s tests/autogenerate-rpc-examples.py
    • Identify changing values, and add them to REPLACE_RESPONSE_VALUES:
       {'data_keys': ['xyz'], 'original_value': l1.info['xyz'], 'new_value': NEW_VALUES_LIST['xyz_value_1']}
    • If xyz_value_1 already does not exist in the list, add it to NEW_VALUES_LIST.
  5. Run make after the script completes to ensure schema updates are applied in other places too, such as ...msggen/schema.json.

Avoiding Missing Example Errors (MissingExampleError)

  • If an RPC is in progress and lacks examples, add it to IGNORE_RPCS_LIST to bypass the auto-generation requirement.

Manually Regenerating Specific Examples

  1. By default, all methods are regenerated. To specify which methods to regenerate, set the REGENERATE
    environment variable with a comma-separated list of method names. Eg. REGENERATE='getinfo,connect' will
    only regenerate examples for the getinfo and connect RPCs.
  2. To regenerate specific examples, set the REGENERATE environment variable:
REGENERATE='getinfo,connect' VALGRIND=0 TIMEOUT=10 TEST_DEBUG=1 GENERATE_EXAMPLES=1 pytest -vvv -s tests/autogenerate-rpc-examples.py
  1. Logs are saved in tests/autogenerate-examples-status.log, and JSON data is in tests/autogenerate-examples.json.
  2. Run make after the script completes to ensure schema updates are applied in other places too, such as ...msggen/schema.json.

JSON Drinking Game!

  1. Sip whenever you have an additional comma at the end of a sequence.
  2. Sip whenever you omit a comma in a sequence because you cut & paste.
  3. Skull whenever you wish JSON had comments.